What is needed for Flower entries:
Step 1: Complete the Flower submission
Step 2: Bring 28+ grams of flower broken down into these quantities to any drop-off site OR the entire entry amount in a mason jar:
2g for potentcy testing
1g for terpene testing
1-2g+ flower for public display
13 (2g) portions for judges. These are preferably a complete flower set (a nug). This will be what the qualitative visual, aroma, flavor and experience measure will be based on. It is up to you how much flower you submit to the judges portion. Usually, a large nugget will suffice.
Step 3: Sit tight until potency and terpene tests are completed (usually within a week of lab pick up). All entrants will receive their qualitative numbers (cannabinoids and terpenoids) ASAP (in the order they were received). Judges will have three weeks to complete their task.
*If you need guidance on how to distribute your samples, please reach out to morgan.c.seaman@gmail.com